What do our customers want?

I am going to start this post with a couple of questions: Why do you visit council planning web pages? Have you already visited ours?

The reason for these questions is that I have been tasked with finding out what our customers really want, with the aim of improving our user experience for our new Planning web pages.

"Easy" you say, "they surely come to you for planning related queries?".

Yes they do but what is a 'planning related query'? It could be anything - "I want to build a conservatory", "I want to build an extension", "How can I comment on a planning application", "I want to erect a fence". So, yes you are right to think that they're all planning related queries, but the service area behind it is very complex, with Building Control, Land Charges, Central Validation Team and Planning all carrying out different aspects of 'planning related queries'.

The thing we have to remember is the user does not care that these are individual teams with different roles, they just want an answer to their question.  I need to dig deeper into the reason for their planning enquiry, and, because it is such a broad subject I need your help.

Please use the comments section on this page to let us know about your experiences with planning pages, good or bad, along with any suggestions you may have to make things easier for you to find what you want.

We are always trying to improve our site, and we can't do it without you!