Working with our neighbours, the Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service

As always, we’re never just working on one project at a time here at Project WIP, so alongside the on-going Shropshire Learning Gateway (SLG) project we told you about, and all the other work we’re doing, a few of us have been working on a budget reductions website for the Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service which we launched earlier this month.

When the Fire Service approached us about helping them out with this, we jumped at the chance to show our talents off.  This project was a good opportunity for us to show another public sector service how things could be done economically and effectively.

Following a number of meetings to bottom out the purpose of the task in hand and what exactly the Fire Service needed to gain from it, we set to work.

With limited information initially, we came up with an approach that would deliver what had been asked of us, taking into account the different audience groups that they needed to reach and the fact that they wanted to both put information out, but also wanted people to be able to feed information back in.

Making use of the knowledge and experience within the team, not only from a website build and content angle, but also with focus on the consultation process and tools available to help make this as effective as possible, we developed an online tool, fully branded as Shropshire Fire and Rescue that ticked all the requirements.

Screen shot of the new SFRS website

A couple more meetings, several more emails and a few tweaks here and there…. it was signed off and launched.

Andy Johnson, Assistant Chief Fire Officer for Shropshire Fire and Rescue said:

“We have really appreciated the help and advice that we have had from the team.  The significant experience that they brought with them was invaluable and I am sure will make a big difference to the number of responses we get from our staff and the general public over the next couple of months."

Working with Shropshire Fire & Rescue service allowed us to think about what we could offer other public and private sector organisations and we’d love the opportunity to work with more of you so if you’d like Project WIP to deliver a piece of work for you get in touch via our contact form.