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Project WIP reloaded
Welcome to the next stage of our blog!
There and back again
Having a fantastic experience working at Shropshire Council for 48 weeks on my placement year from Staffordshire University, it only took me another 36 weeks to finish my studies and return to the Shi…
Early Help and an ambitious plan...
We've just finished phase 1 of a project to update the way in which we present our Early Help team's information. This initial piece of work involved editing and reorganising the existing content, bri…
- gets migrated – part II
How did we move over 3,000 pages over to Umbraco?
Umbraco in Local Government (#umbLocalGov)
(Left to right: Kevin Jump, Dale Shepherd, Tim Saunders, Chris Jones and Matt Watson) Yesterday afternoon (22nd August 2013) saw the incredibly successful first "Umbraco in Local Government" event…
Rolling back to go forward
This week was a big step for the project. 'Phase 2' has been pushed out so quickly and efficiently that if you blinked, you would have missed it! 'Phase 1' o…
Using Umbraco
When the decision was made to use Umbraco for it was at an interesting point in the lifecycle of the CMS. The current version at that time (and the one we had based our initial i…
Choosing Umbraco
For those following our recent posts, you will have noticed a lot of chatter about the work behind This has covered pretty much all the stages of the project, from the initial a…