How you can help us

When you visit our pages do you ever think 'there's a better way to do that', 'this information should be laid out differently', or even 'this is fantastic, just what I was looking for'? (We live in hope).

If you do then let us know - feedback from our customers is really useful, helping us to see what we're doing right and where things need to be improved. Giving us feedback is really quick and easy, there are several ways to let us know about your experience.

The quickest and simplest way to let us know if your visit to has answered your query or provided the information you wanted is to click on the little faces under 'rate this page' on whatever webpage you're visiting. There is a smiley face if you rate it as good, a neutral face for average and a frowny face for poor, you can select a reason for your rating and leave a short comment (please note, these are anonymous).

Rate this page icons

There is also a contact on all pages containing an email address, either in the webpage or the footer, for example,

Contact email link


Footer email contact link

Simply click on the email address and you can provide detailed feedback via our online form. You can fill this in anonymously or leave your details if you would like a response. You can also get in touch with us here on Project WIP or comment using twitter and facebook (some services areas have their own  facebook and twitter accounts, you can check them all out here).

One of the primary purposes of Project WIP itself is to communicate with you, and we want this to be a two way process. This isn't about us talking at you - we want to have a conversation so please comment on the blog posts, have a look at the 'how you can help' section, give us feedback and share your ideas or even volunteer to become a tester and try out the first versions of our creations, helping us to perfect them before they go live for everyone to use.

If you're wondering what we'll do with the feedback we receive; all of it is analysed, then some is sent to web editors to help them improve the content or layout of their pages and make them easier and more useful. Other feedback may be accepted and prioritised to be added / fixed / made, at some point in the future.

We may also publish your idea or feedback; either here or on, possibly editing it a bit if there is a spelling mistake (or anything inappropriate so please keep it clean!). We can't provide status updates on all feedback we receive but don't let that stop you - we're waiting to hear from you!